早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
If you want to be a scientist,what kind of characteristics do you need?In my opinion,there are several kinds of characteristics you must have.
Firstly,you should consider things creatively,because creativeness is the most important part that a scientist need.Only having it,could you have a new perspective different from others.Secondly,you must be patient if you want to be a scientist,because many inventions and discoveries cost the scientist many years before they are invented or found.Thirdly,you must have courage to face the failure.You have to admit that not all ideas that you have could become true,most of them are proved wrong.At this time,you could not be beaten by the reality.On the contrary,you should accept it and make it come true in other ways.
There are many other characteristics that a scientist need,but I think the three characteristics are most important.
Firstly,you should consider things creatively,because creativeness is the most important part that a scientist need.Only having it,could you have a new perspective different from others.Secondly,you must be patient if you want to be a scientist,because many inventions and discoveries cost the scientist many years before they are invented or found.Thirdly,you must have courage to face the failure.You have to admit that not all ideas that you have could become true,most of them are proved wrong.At this time,you could not be beaten by the reality.On the contrary,you should accept it and make it come true in other ways.
There are many other characteristics that a scientist need,but I think the three characteristics are most important.
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