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friend in need is a friend indeed"你展开以"交友之道"为主题的英文演讲比赛,请以此为题并根据下面的提示写一篇120词左右的演讲搞.开头已给出.要点:1.对人要友善,微笑吸引人;2.要善解人意,设身处地为别人着想;3:关心别人要胜过关心自己;4.不要吵架,遇事要商量;5.不要相信那些危急时刻背叛朋友的人.6.根据你对交友之道的理解,进行适当的补充,发表自己的看法.How to Make Friends 开头:Everyone needs friends,so how to make real friends is very important to
A day love Soon in,how will contact with the mother many has instead not thought.But after lives at school,I discovered each time goes home the mother all to want affectionate mine nose 0.1,each time goes home all the main point,exists not one exception.This point is loves?I went home the mother to select my tip of the nose once again.In a that flash,my in vivo as if is flowing one kind of liquid,warm,hot,in mine body the repeat in cycles,activated my each nerve ending,it caused me to be excited,causes me to be moved,causes me to forget all worries,enable my each Sunday all to cross joyfully happy,carefree.I once saw in the book to a father in order to save the son the life,without hesitation cut down own kidney trades for the son,made the son to restore the health.But this father died actually in the surgery.This kind of love is how precious!Some people said the father love is the place mountain,the maternal love is the piece sea,had the mountain asylum,had sea nourishing,the children has been able to grow happily.My parents gave me in the life very many very many help,the parents in have exchanged the communication with own heart with me.After each time takes a test,is the mother sits together down with me,patient analyzes my each branch weakness,inspires me the morale,for my confidence building.In a mountain climbing,when my will not firm must descend a mountain,was the mother gives me to encourage,to let me persist crawled climbs mountains the crest,as soon as looked at small numerous mountain.When gives a performance,also is the mother emboldens to me,lets me not have to be afraid makes a boner with awkwardly,brave face the audience.When I fall ill,the mother always defends the marquis in mine side,looks up the body temperature to me,carries Shui Weiyao for me,cooks the soup to me .Encourages me to wage the struggle with disease,teaches me to stand tenaciously.After every day is on vacation from school,a mother thorough inquiry,asks this and that,when my jubilant 11 replies,on the mother face smiling face is such brightness.When I am depressed,the mother can heavyhearted read me from mine face,sincere unblocking and comforts me.Whenever I am frustrated,was the mother has lightened the lamp which I led the way; Whenever I take a long journey,is the mother prayed for distant place I; Whenever I am on vacation from school goes home,is the mother in the entrance smiles is welcoming.A day love,lets me rise spiritedly in the human way out to go forward.A day love,lets me sadly when again ascends the confidence and the faith.A day love,perpetuity in the world,until forever forever .

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