早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


学科是 消费者心理 .抽象内容太多,论文内容的要求看不大明白,
Background information.
This assignment is designed to enable you to build a comprehensive knowledge of key variables which are significant to the understanding of consumer buying behaviour.The following Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the student should be able to:
Knowledge-Based Outcomes
K1\x05Demonstrate a critical understanding of the different approaches to consumer research with an emphasis on the positivist and interpretivist viewpoints.
K2\x05Evaluate the individual dimensions of consumer behaviour by considering issues related to the development of relevant contemporary theories.
K3\x05Evaluate the social aspects of consumer behaviour in an era of globalisation.
Skills-Based Outcomes
S1 Ability to build a conceptual framework of consumer profiles
S2 Ability to apply psychological and social dimensions of consumer behaviour in problem solving situations
S3 Ability to develop an effective customer –focussed strategy.
1.\x09Based on the secondary research,map the diffusion process stretching over last 30 years incorporating key diffusion theories.
(1000 words maximum)
2.\x09Evaluate the key consumer behavior trends and elaborate upon how consumer behavior has evolved/changed over this period.
(1000 words maximum)
3.\x09Discuss the key psychological (such as motives,personality etc) and demographic (such as age and gender etc) variables that have influenced the buying behavior of consumers.(800 words maximum)
4.\x09Identify the consumer profiles that best describe the current primary target audience for your chosen area.(500 words maximum)
5.\x09Identify an area for further research (this may be an opportunity or a problem).based on your investigation.Generate a research question,provide and justify a research plan to explore this.(500 words maximum)

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