早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享






1.What time is it now?




2.Which language does Mr Black speak well?




3.Where was the man last night?

A.He was at the theatre.

B.He was at one of his guests’ house.

C.He was at home.

4.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A.At the seaside.

B.At a hotel.

C.In a restaurant.

5.How much are the three books?







6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In the office.

B.Near a postbox.

C.In Mary’s.

7.Why didn’t the girl write the name and the address on the envelope?

A.Because she had forgotten the name and the address.

B.Because she forgot to write them.

C.Because she didn’t want her boyfriend to receive the letter.

8.What happened to the girl yesterday?

A.She lost a letter.

B.She quarreled with her boyfriend.

C.She forgot to post a letter.


9.According to the woman, which diet is considered to be healthier?

A.The Chinese diet.

B.The European diet.

C.The American diet.

10.Why do many Chinese people have healthy teeth?

A.Because they eat a lot of apples.

B.Because they never eat sugar.

C.Because they eat less sugar.

11.According to the dialogue, what should we do in order to keep fit?

A.We should have a healthy diet and take plenty of exercise.

B.We should eat four times every day.

C.We should walk for twenty minutes every day.


12.What is the girl likely to be?

A.A singer.

B.An actress.

C.A teacher.

13.Why does the girl want to take up singing?

A.Her parents agree to her idea.

B.She is good at singing.

C.She wants to make people happy.

14.What do the young man’s parents want him to do?

A.To go to an art college.

B.To meet people.

C.To sing songs.


15.What had gone wrong in their house?

A.Their washing machine.

B.The electricity.

C.The lights.

16.Which of the following is true?

A.Mr Smith did nothing for them at all.

B.Mr Smith asked too much money from them for his work.

C.Mr Smith did help them but couldn’t solve the problem completely that day.

17.Why did the man think it would cost him a lot of money?

A.Because he wanted to buy a car.

B.Because he didn’t have a good job.

C.Because their car needed repairing.


18.How are his wife and child when Mr Brown comes back very late?

A.Waiting for him.

B.Staying up.


19.Why couldn’t he get into the room himself one night?

A.He lost his work.

B.He couldn’t find the door.

C.He didn’t find the key.

20.How did he get into the room at last?

A.He pretended to call like a child for the bathroom.

B.He went through the bathroom.

C.He wife was woken up by his shouting.




  1.W:The train leaves at 6∶05.Do we have time to buy a magazine?

  M:No.We’ve only got 15 minutes before it leaves.

  2.M:Mr Black speaks French very well and now he is beginning to learn Arabic.

  W:He also knows a few words in Japanese and Chinese.

  3.W:You didn’t go to the theatre last night either, did you?

  M:No.I had an unexpected guest, who talked with me for nearly two hours.

  4.M:Hello, I’d like to spend the weekend at the seaside.Can you make arrangements for me?

  W:Yes, certainly.Just tell me your name and room number.

  5.M:I’ll take these three books.Are they fifty cents each?

  W:These two books are, but this one is 75 cents.



  6.M:Hello, Mary!Is that a letter you’re putting in the postbox?

  W:Yes.To my boyfriend.

  M:But there’s no name and address on it!

  W:I know.

  M:Why are you posting a letter to him with no name and address on it?

  W:Because I don’t want him to read it.

  M:Why not?

  W:We quarreled yesterday.


  W:And I’m writing to tell him that I never want to see him again.


  W:Well, it’s not true.That’s why I don’t want him to read it.


  7.M:Which diet is healthier, the Chinese diet or the diet of any other country?

  W:The Chinese diet is considered to be healthier than that of any other country.


  W:Because the Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is also low in fat.

  M:Why do lots of Chinese people have healthy teeth?

  W:That’s because they eat less sugar.

  M:What do you think we should do if we want to be healthy?

  W:We should have a healthy diet and take plenty of exercise.

  M:Hmm, there is something in what you have said.


  8.M:Jane, I hear that you are leaving school now.What do you want to do?Have you made up your mind yet?

  W:No, not yet.But I think I’m going to take up singing.

  M:Any special reasons?

  W:Yes.It’s because I am good at singing songs.All my classmates say so.Besides, singing is quite interesting and you get to meet a lot of people.

  M:And you will have to make them happy too.

  W:Well, you do in any job, don’t you?

  M:And what do your parents think about it?

  W:They don’t quite agree with my idea.That’s the only trouble.

  M:Yes, um…My parents are trying to send me to an art college because they want me to be an actor.

  W:Then what will you do?

  M:Well…I haven’t decided yet.But I usually get my own way in the end.


  9.W:Please turn off the light, Harry.

  M:Why?What’s the matter?I want to read the paper.

  W:If we turn on too many lights, all the electricity in the house will go off.

  M:Who told you that?

  W:Our new neighbor, Mr Smith.

  M:Mr Smith?When did he come to our home?

  W:I had to go to his home and ask for help today.

  M:What was wrong?

  W:When I turned on the washing machine, all the lights were out.

  M:Well, did he take care of it for you?

  W:Yes, but he said it would take a little more work to do a really good job.

  M:What does he mean by a really good job?

  W:He said we needed new electric wires throughout the house and a lot of other things.

  M:Did he tell you how much it would cost?

  W:Yes, about a thousand dollars.

  M:A thousand dollars?That’s a lot of money.And just as we need to get some work done on our car, too.


  10.Mr and Mrs Brown live in a small house near London with their child.Sometimes Mr Brown comes back from work very late.At that time, his wife and child were asleep, so he opens the front door of his house with his key and comes in very quietly.

  One night he came home very late, but he couldn’t find his key.He rang the bell.Nothing happened.He rang it again.Nothing happened.Nobody

  moved inside the house.Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window.He called his wife’s name.He shouted, but she did not wake up.At last he stopped and thought for a few minutes.Then he spoke like a small child, “Mother, ”he said, “I want to go to the bathroom.”He spoke quite quietly but at once Mrs Brown woke up.Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.
