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Pls. see below & attach for 1st proto comments and arrange to proceed the 2nd proto (2pcs) asap, thanks!
Since here so many fitting problem on it, and we ask the customer if they can send paper pattern again for double checking, will keep you post!


Not Approved


2nd Vivi 2153 111 131

Thank you for 1st proto.
Pls follow comments below and pls proceed wth 2nd proto :

Pls note we find it really hard to recognize the pattern we sent. Fit is bad on proto and it isn´t at original made from same pattern. I wonder what happen?
Anyway pls follow comments below carefully:

1. Pls note fit balance is really bad..both front and back is pointing out.
Pls see photo 1 and 2
2. Pls correct fit balance.
It seam to me that front length is missing at shoulder = more shl slanting at front, to make front falling down straight. Pls advise according to pattern
Back is pointing out..pls avoid and pls advise according to pattern
Pls also note bulking at back. Pls avoid bulking
Both above issues are not a problem at original following pattern sent!
3. Then sleeve fit / sleeve sewing is too bad. Pls see photo 5 and 6
Photo 5 of original, with a nice sleeve and
photo 6 of proto, with a bad sleeve.
Pls improve sleeve
4. Pls make shoulder across 39 cm
5. Pls reduce sleeve length by 4 cm
6. Pls reshape sleeve head at back according to photo7. At cutlines..pls remove 1.3 cm and pls reshape
7. Pls make½ upper sleeve width = 16 cm, to follow original/pattern (proto has an ½ upper sleeve on 17,5 cm)
8. Pls add sleevehead pad/roll, for more tailored look
9. Pls note we found shoulder pad too soft..pls use one a bit harder for more stiff hold
10. Pls make collar lapel symmetric. Right is nice..left is not. Pls improve
11. Pls make collar/lapel nicely..in shape, sharp lines and in sewing
12. Regarding collar/lapel:
Pls reduce collar point by 1 cm
Pls reduce lapel width by 0,5 cm and
Pls move cutline 0,5 cm in
Pls see photo 8
13. Pls remove dart under collar. At pattern there should be no dart and fit on original is fine!
14. Pls attach folded part of lapel at bottomseam..sewn in between layers
15. Pls make lining/facing inside according to photo 4.
16. Pls attach fringes in between layers and pls note no topstitches to keep fringes
17. Pls make double layer fringes
18. Pls make separate collarstand for more fitted collar
19. Pls assure collar hiding neck line
20. Pls drop neckdrop CB 1 cm
21. Pls remove CB neck facing
1尺寸跟原版差了很多 2肩线太靠前衣服歪掉了
3 袖片装的太烂了,参考图5、6 图5是做好的袖片
4 肩宽做39cm
5 袖长减4cm
6 根据图7重做袖头 cutline可能是指中线吧不太清楚
7 袖宽做窄了 原版是17.5x2 从中间量
8 袖圈做的平整一点
9 肩膀做的也不好看
10 翻领做的不对称 左边的不对
11 领子做的好看点 注意车线
12 领口点再缩1cm 翻领宽缩0.5cm (你看图8 他说的不是很清楚)
13 领子下面不要打褶

太多了.你还要吗 不要我不翻了
说一句你们这个衣服做的真是= =

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