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如何安装 tails系统?
First steps with Tails
Choosing between burning a DVD and installing onto a USB stick or SD card
Burning a DVD
Installing onto a USB stick or SD card (recommended)
Manually Installing onto a USB stick or SD card,using Linux,using Windows usingMac
Uninstalling Tails or resetting a USB stick or SD card,using Linux,using Windows
Upgrading a Tails USB stick or SD card
Start Tails
Startup options
Tor bridge mode
Administration password
Windows camouflage
MAC address spoofing
Network configuration
Introduction to GNOME and the Tails desktop
Warnings about persistence
Create & configure the persistent volume
Enable & use the persistent volume
Change the passphrase of the persistent volume
Manually copy your persistent data to a new device
Delete the persistent volume
Report an error
Tails does not start
Shutting down Tails
Connect to the Internet anonymously
Networking with NetworkManager
Logging in to captive portals
Controlling Tor with Vidalia
Browsing the web with Tor Browser
Chatting with Pidgin & OTR
Using I2P
Why Tor is slow?
Encryption & privacy
Your data won't be saved unless explicitly asked
Using the virtual keyboard
Create and use encrypted volumes
Encrypt,decrypt,sign,and verify text using OpenPGP and Tails OpenPGP Applet
Encrypt text with a passphrase
Encrypt and sign text using public-key cryptography
Decrypt and verify text
Securely delete files and clean diskspace using Nautilus Wipe
Manage passwords using KeePassX
Work on sensitive documents
Office suite
Desktop publishing
Printing and scanning
Advanced topics
Protection against cold boot attacks
Enable a wireless device

同一用电和照明系统中,( )同时采用TT系统和TN系统保护。 A.应B.宜C.能D.不能  2020-05-18 …

●试题一 阅读下列说明、图1和图2,回答问题1、问题2和问题3。 【说明】 下面是某租车信息管理系统  2020-05-26 …

阅读下列说明以及图3-1和图3-2,回答问题1、问题2和问题3。[说明] 下面是某公司开发的电梯管理  2020-05-26 …

英语翻译本设计主要研究的是以PLC为控制器的图书馆照明系统.该系统使用热释温度传感器和光敏电阻管采  2020-06-06 …

读下图,图a和图b的箭头是污染工业发生地理迁移的趋向。图c表明单位产量的污染控制费用和污染排放量的  2020-06-26 …

读下图,图a和图b的箭头是污染工业发生地理迁移的趋向。图c表明单位产量的污染控制费用和污染排放量的  2020-06-26 …

图①是小明家、学校和游泳馆之间的位置关系示意图,某天放学后,小亮和小明同时从学校出发,小亮匀速步行前  2020-10-30 …

阅读下列三幅图,回答:(1)图一和图二分别是哪两种交通工具?这两种交通工具分别以什么作为动力机?(2  2020-12-14 …

图A和图B以曲线图解的方式说明温度、氧浓度对于大麦根系吸收钾、氮离子的影响,请依据图回答问题。(1)  2020-12-25 …

图A和图B以曲线图解的方式,说明温度及氧浓度对大麦根系吸收钾、铵离子的影响,根据下图下列叙述中正确的  2020-12-25 …