早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
以“my pencilbox ”写一篇不少于60字的英语作文
If you look around your class, you may realize that many people have either a pencil box or a pencil bag. The reason behind that is because you are required to bring stationeries to school for learning, but without a pencil box, you won’t be able to carry them. Well, my (形状【square】) pencil (bag/box) is (颜色【navy blue】) with (图案【three chubby white bears】) printed on the front. It is a very handy pencil (bag/box) because it is a bit smaller than a novel, which enables me to put many of my school supplies inside of it. Without my pencil (box/bag), I wouldn’t know how I would survive my day in school, so the significance of a pencil box is much larger than what you think it may be.
If you look around your class, you may realize that many people have either a pencil box or a pencil bag. The reason behind that is because you are required to bring stationeries to school for learning, but without a pencil box, you won’t be able to carry them. Well, my (形状【square】) pencil (bag/box) is (颜色【navy blue】) with (图案【three chubby white bears】) printed on the front. It is a very handy pencil (bag/box) because it is a bit smaller than a novel, which enables me to put many of my school supplies inside of it. Without my pencil (box/bag), I wouldn’t know how I would survive my day in school, so the significance of a pencil box is much larger than what you think it may be.
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