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09春学期《大学英语(一)》第2次作业一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. The air in Beijing is getting much _______ now than a few years ago. A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest 满分:2.5 分 2. A diet high in fat may be responsible _______ several types of cancer. A. for B. of C. to D. at 满分:2.5 分 3. I think we should _______ these interesting old customs. A. prevent B. preserve C. reserve D. serve 满分:2.5 分 4. The young people spoke _______ length about their experiences. A. in B. at C. with D. by 满分:2.5 分 5. There are trees on _______ sides of the river. A. both B. all C. either D. neither 满分:2.5 分 6. The hero of the story is an artist in his _______. A. thirtieth B. thirty C. thirty’s D. thirties 满分:2.5 分 7. I _______ on those days as the happiest time of my life. A. look at B. look down C. look back D. look for 满分:2.5 分 8. Some words are hard to _______ because they have many different uses. A. spell B. pronounce C. define D. mean 满分:2.5 分 9. My sports shoes are too small. I want to buy _______ pair. A. the others B. the other C. other D. another 满分:2.5 分 10. Advertising is often the most _______ method of promotion. A. efficient B. efficiency C. effect D. effective 满分:2.5 分 11. William realized that he should have felt _______ with his job, but he didn’t A. contented B. suitable C. comfortable D. interested 满分:2.5 分 12. 十年来我一直在坚持收听收音机里的英语节目。 A. I listened to the English programs over the radio ten years ago. B. I often kept on listening to the English programs over the radio ten years ago. C. For ten years I kept on listening to the English programs over the radio. D. For ten years I listened to the E 满分:2.5 分 13. John was so drunk that he fell off the bike and _______ by the roadside until the next morning. A. laid B. lied C. had lain D. lay 满分:2.5 分 14. The English of today is very different _______ the English of500 years ago. A. to B. in C. by D. from 满分:2.5 分 15. The BBC _______ the news to all parts of the world. A. shows B. broadcasts C. tells D. communicates 满分:2.5 分 16. We _______ goods to over 40 different countries. A. import B. export C. port D. report 满分:2.5 分 17. My letters were all returned to me, so I decided to go around to her house _______ person. A. with B. at C. in D. of 满分:2.5 分 18. It wasn’t a good thing; _______ the contrary it was a huge mistake. A. of B. on C. in D. at 满分:2.5 分 19. — Which is your preference, tea or coffee? — _______ A. OK, thanks. B. I like both. C. Can I choose? D. I choose tea any time. 满分:2.5 分 20. By sunset we had _______ thirty miles. A. crossed B. went C. spread D. covered 满分:2.5 分 21. His performance did not live up to our expectations. A. 他的表演不如我们的期望好。 B. 他没有按照我们所期望的那样表演。 C. 他的表演出乎我们的预料。 D. 他的表演恰好如我们期望的一样。 满分:2.5 分 22. There is _______ ink in the bottle. I have to buy some. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 满分:2.5 分 23. I _______ to catch the early train, but I didn’t get up in time. A. managed B. intended C. tended D. failed 满分:2.5 分 24. Thanks to my foresight, I took my umbrella with me. A. 谢天谢地,我带了雨伞。 B. 带了雨伞,这是我的聪明之举。 C. 幸亏我带了雨伞。 D. 幸亏我有先见之明,带了雨伞。 满分:2.5 分 25. _______ a cold morning in June, I saw a stranger walking around the house. A. In B. At C. On D. For 满分:2.5 分 26. The pencil is _______ that one. A. as two time as long B. as long two times as C. two times as long as D. long as two times than 满分:2.5 分 27. There are two _______ students on the play ground. A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of 满分:2.5 分 28. Between 1820 and 1920 some 35 million _______ reached the United States. A. immigrates B. emigrates C. immigrants D. emigrants 满分:2.5 分 29. 那个年轻人独自一人在沙漠里生存了两个月。 A. The young man managed to survive alone in the desert for two months. B. The young man tried to survive alone in the desert for two months. C. The young man tried his luck in the desert for two months. D. The young man managed to go to desert alone two months ag 满分:2.5 分 30. All in all we unexpectedly lost the match after two month of hard training. A. 在经过两个月的艰苦训练后,我们所有的人都为输掉了这场比赛而意外。 B. 总而言之,在经过两个月的艰苦训练后,我们意外地输掉了这场比赛。 C. 虽然经过了两个月的训练,但是我们所有的人还是失去了这场比赛。 D. 最后出乎意料的是,我们经过了两个月的艰苦训练还是输掉了这场比赛。 满分:2.5 分 31. — I'm sure Class One will win the game. —________. Let's wait and see. A. Yes, I think so B. It's hard to say C. Impossible D. That’s unlikely. 满分:2.5 分 32. — _______ — I failed my driving test again. A. What shall I do? B. I’m down in spirits. C. What are you doing? D. What’s up? 满分:2.5 分 33. His behavior _______ his lazy attitude toward to work. A. forbids B. impresses C. reflects D. occupies 满分:2.5 分 34. Many small businesses are struggling _______ survival in this difficult economic climate. A. off B. with C. for D. up 满分:2.5 分 35. They want to _______ their own import-export business. A. set off B. set back C. set about D. set up 满分:2.5 分 36. — Let’s go and have sports together. — _______ A. Yes, please. B. You’re welcome. C. Good idea. D. Thank you. 满分:2.5 分 37. It was _______ that came here at midnight. A. him B. them C. her D. they 满分:2.5 分 38. You must keep it secret. It is only _______ you and me. A. for B. to C. among D. between 满分:2.5 分 39. — You’d better have more physical exercise. — _______ A. I’d like that, but I can’t afford the time. B. That’s good. C. Really. D. Yes, I would. 满分:2.5 分 40. Because there is so much unemployment, the _______ for jobs is fierce. A. chance B. contest C. pressure D. competition 满分:2.5 分
1)cleaner 2) for 3)preserve 4) in 5)both 6)thirtieth 7) look back 8)define 9)another 10)effective 11)comfortable 12) C 13) had lain 14)from 15)broadcasts 16)export 17)in 18)on 19)D 20)went 21) A 22) a little 23)intended 24)D 25)on 26) C 27) A 28) emigrants 29) A 30) B 31)B 32)D 33)reflects 34)for 35)set up 36)C 37) them 38) between 39) A 40) competition