删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。
Only a person far away from home and knows what happiness is.
It is the welling-up tears in your eye the lump in your throat and the waving hands when the train is drawing out of the station and take you away from home. It is the strength which you walk several miles to your home with heavy bags in your hands after a long tired trip and the excitement at the doorstep.
It is the sudden delight of closeness what strikes you when you meet a person from a same town or even a stranger who has just been there.
It is the fear of sing “Home Sweet home” in case of a burst of tears. It was the whisper of “Mummy” in dreams.
So warm a word is home and so a sweet sadness is homesickness.
Only a person far away from home and knows what happiness is.
It is the welling-up tears in your eye the lump in your throat and the waving hands when the train is drawing out
of the station and take you away from home. It is the strength ∧which you walk several miles to your home with
taking with
heavy bags in your hands after a long tired trip and the excitement at the doorstep.
It is the sudden delight of closeness what strikes you when you meet a person from a same town or even a
that the
stranger who has just been there.
It is the fear of sing或of sing “Home Sweet home” in case of a burst of tears. It was the whisper of “Mummy” in
to singing is
So warm a word is home and so a sweet sadness is homesickness.
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