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关于英语手抄报,急死了,帮忙啊英语的手抄报关于Showtime的啊 要英文的啊!!!!我都不知道写什么啊 我想到了NBAShowtime 大家帮我出出主意吧 拜托了啊!!! 有相关资料就发吧啊,谢谢了
NBA Showtime is a basketball video game by Midway. A descendant of NBA Jam and NBA Hangtime, Showtime is modeled after the NBA presentations on NBC. The original arcade version features team rosters from the beginning of the 1998-99 NBA season, while the console versions features team rosters that were accurate prior to the 1999-2000 NBA season. A newer "Gold" version for arcades features another roster update from later in the 1999-2000 season. [edit] Overview Rather than 5 on 5 action like professional play, this game features 2 on 2 play with the ability to pick two players from any NBA team's starting line-up for the first half and can choose again for the second. In addition, after a player makes 3 consecutive shots he becomes "on fire", which allows him to easily make shots from almost anywhere, as well as goaltend without penalty and push opponents without being charged a foul. Play otherwise is similar to NBA rules. The arcade version accommodates up to 4 players, as do the home versions produced for the Nintendo 64, PlayStation and Dreamcast. The players featured in the game included many of the most popular players of the particular year and era of the NBA season. But, like the previous games in the arcade-style basketball series—many players were left out and each team has a limited amount of players per position to chose from for the 2 on 2 gameplay. As with the previous NBA Jam and NBA Hangtime games, the game contains many secret characters. The arcade version features the Universal Monsters Frankenstein's monster, Bride of Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Wolf Man and Creature from the Black Lagoon as secret characters. Several Midway Games employees are also playable characters. Some of the available players include Mark Turmell, Rob Gatson, Mark Guidarelli, Dan Thompson, Jeff Johnson, Jason Skiles, Sal DiVita, Jennifer Hedrick, Eugene Greer, Matt Gilmore, Tim Bryant, Jim Gentile, John Root, Jon Hey, Andy Eloff, Mike Lynch, Dave Grossman, Larry Wotman, Tim Moran, Willie Morris, Greg Cutler, and Chad Edmunds. The N64 version of the game received mixed reviews, receiving a score of 6.8 on GameSpot.com
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