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what is he famous for?
what did he do?
where did he live?
when did he live?what was the world like at the time?
are there any important storises about this person?
do you admire this person?why or why not
Tutankhamun in ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom 18th on behalf of the Pharaoh (1334 BC - the former 1323). His original name is "Tutankhamun swallow", which means "Aten" image, was later changed to Tutankhamun, which means "Amun" image. Explain his beliefs from the worship of God to the worship of Aten god Amun change.
Tutankhamun is widely known for modern Westerners because of his grave in the three thousand years of time has never been stolen, until the British insurance companies哈瓦德卡特found that a large number of excavated treasures. Shocked the Western world, due to a number of the first people to enter the tomb of premature deaths, by the media hype as "Pharaoh's curse", King Tut's name is more widely known in the West.
King Tut's parents is not clear exactly who has been to explore an inscription that King Tut was a pharaoh's son, but who exactly is the son, but not recorded. He replaces the old practice of Akhenaten, the incumbent may be only 8-10 years, to test his mummy was found that only 17-18 years old when he died. When he ascended the throne before a pharaoh Akhenaten had died 17 years before it can not be a Pharaoh's son.
Tutankhamun was Akhenaten's daughter and married to Akhenaten had conducted once the Reformation, to establish the main god Aten, cut temples, reducing worship God in order to weaken the religious forces. Tutankhamun ascended the throne three years later (the former in 1331), in the instigation of religious people, but also may be caused by the actual people in power or about the restoration and re-establish the Amon god, to restore the temple, and the capital moved back to the end of Bies.

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