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求泰坦尼克号 片段英文对白
船员:Sit down!Stay back,you lot.Stay back!
卡尔:It's starting to fall apart.We don't have much time.- Mr.Murdoch?
副船长:Mr.Hockley.You two,with me,now.
卡尔:I'm a businessman,as you know and I have a business proposition for you.
杰克:Come on,Rose.
露丝:The boats are gone!
露丝:Colonel,are there any boats on that side?
Colonel:No,miss,but there are a couple of boats all the way forward.This way,I'll lead you.
拉小提琴者甲:What's the use?Nobody's listening to us anyway.
拉小提琴者乙:Well,they don't listen to us at dinner either.Come on,let's play.Keep us
杰克朋友:Music to drown by.Now I know I'm in first class.
副船长:Where is everyone?
船员:They're all still aft,sir.
卡尔:We have an understanding then,Mr.Murdoch?
船员:Women and children only!Get back!Step back,sir.Come through,madam.This way.Step back,
杰克:You'd better check the other side.Go!
卡尔手下:I found her on the other side waiting for a boat...with him.
副船长:Any more women and children?They're all aboard,Mr.Murdoch.Anyone else,then?Anyone
else?Hurry along.
卡尔:Oh,goddamn it all to hell.
船员:Shit.Fire!Sir!Sir,you can't go through here.Sir,you can't go through.
副船长:Prepare to lower!Ready on the left.Take them down.Keep it steady.Both sides together,
steady.Keep it steady.
船员:Give her to me.
女孩父亲:It'll be fine,darling.Don't you worry.It's good-bye for a little while.
Only for a little while.
女孩:There'll be another boat for the daddies.
女孩父亲:It's good-bye for a little while.Only for a little while.This boat's forthe mummies
and the children.You hold Mummy's hand and be a good little girl.
露丝:I'm not going without you.
杰克:No,you have to go...now!
杰克:Get in the boat,Rose!
杰克:Yes,get on the boat.
卡尔:Yes,get on the boat,Rose.
卡尔:My God,look at you.You look a fright.Here.Put this on.Come.

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