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很多广告词翻译得都很好,比如麦斯威尔的Good to the last drop-滴滴香浓,意犹未尽;某年艾滋病日的Live and let live--相互关爱,共享生命.这样的例子还有吗?多多益善.
In develop more and more quickly of modern society,the legs activity contain the person of the obstacle have already shown out that they are a very big communities.To them,an assistance device that can help their activity to even run about is count for much,is also what they need specially,so have the very big market foreground.The legs help device is a fixedly exercise in the legs obstacle or negative heavy compare the bigger Human body up,can help them to carry on stand,the assistance device that run about.Currently the research of our nation to this aspect is not a lot of,studying more early to have Euro-American and some nations,another Japan alsoes carry on the ground more early in this aspect,and obtained the very big achievement.The contents of this design is a legs assistance that passes to according to various parameter to design an in keeping with sufferer's usage and have the certain catholicity to run about the device.
First this text carries on to various parameter of the human body to check to seek detailedly,and design an assistance to equip probably according to these parameters first step size and the sport scope.After the basic size assurance carried on the design calculation to the basic size of the each structure,the choice material,among them is a few joint parts to design for the key most ,it is the whole key that equips the normal work,so its design is more important,then carried on the school to the parts of the key to calculate to calculate,carrying on the choice to the whole motive for equip and the control system finally,designing to give vent to anger to move to control the back track diagram combine choice to adopt the programmable controller to be the whole control parts for equip.
Considered the simple and direct of the organization well while design the concrete structure of the each part,and notice and physically and closely the knot put together,can thus make organization gone in go order.

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