早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A control system is designed to control the dynamic behavior( the time response) of a plant subject to commands or disturbances. The designer should be fully aware, however, of the role of the steady equations and errors in the overall process, as well as their influence on the dynamic behavior of the plant.
An accuracy of a system is a measure of how well it follows commands. It is an important performance criterion; a guidance system that cannot place spacecraft on a suitable trajectory is obviously useless no matter how well-behaved its transient response.
Actual system are also subjected to undesirable inputs, such as noise in command inputs and disturbances arising from changes in the plant parameters or changes in the environment in which the plant is operating. Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself. We shall limit our discussion to disturbance inputs which enter the system at the plant rather than at the controller.
实际系统总是容易受到不希望的输入干扰,例如, 命令输入中的噪声以及由于参数改变在被控对象中产生的干扰或者被控对象工作环境变化产生的干扰.随着命令输入进入系统的噪声输入需要滤波器进行驱除或者抑制并不对输入信号产生影响.我们将限于讨论通过被控对象进行系统的噪声而不讨论通过控制器进入系统的噪声.
It is often difficult to minimize both components of the error simultaneously. Obviously, it is necessary to have some knowledge as to the nature of probable disturbance inputs. Both error terms of Eq.(2-2B-7) can be set equal to zero by introducing an integrator into the controller. This additional integrator increases the type of the system ( from 1 to 2, for example) , thus eliminating the velocity error, and by being introduced ahead of the point of entry of the disturbance into the system, eliminates the steady-state error resulting from a step in the disturbance input. This additional integrator must be accompanied by at least one zero if the system is to remain stable.
An accuracy of a system is a measure of how well it follows commands. It is an important performance criterion; a guidance system that cannot place spacecraft on a suitable trajectory is obviously useless no matter how well-behaved its transient response.
Actual system are also subjected to undesirable inputs, such as noise in command inputs and disturbances arising from changes in the plant parameters or changes in the environment in which the plant is operating. Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself. We shall limit our discussion to disturbance inputs which enter the system at the plant rather than at the controller.
实际系统总是容易受到不希望的输入干扰,例如, 命令输入中的噪声以及由于参数改变在被控对象中产生的干扰或者被控对象工作环境变化产生的干扰.随着命令输入进入系统的噪声输入需要滤波器进行驱除或者抑制并不对输入信号产生影响.我们将限于讨论通过被控对象进行系统的噪声而不讨论通过控制器进入系统的噪声.
It is often difficult to minimize both components of the error simultaneously. Obviously, it is necessary to have some knowledge as to the nature of probable disturbance inputs. Both error terms of Eq.(2-2B-7) can be set equal to zero by introducing an integrator into the controller. This additional integrator increases the type of the system ( from 1 to 2, for example) , thus eliminating the velocity error, and by being introduced ahead of the point of entry of the disturbance into the system, eliminates the steady-state error resulting from a step in the disturbance input. This additional integrator must be accompanied by at least one zero if the system is to remain stable.
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