早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The Adventures of Pinocchio is a novel for children.It was written by the Italian author
Carlo Collodi.It’s about the naughty adventures of Pinocchio and his poor father.An angel
gives life to Pinocchio,so that he starts his adventures.If he wanted to become a real
boy,he must pass the test of courage,loyalty and honesty.During his adventures,he cuts
class for fun and treated because of greed.He turns into a donkey because of his
naughtiness.Besides,he is punished.Once he tells a lie,his nose would be longer.At
last,he falls into the belly ofa big whale and meets Geppetto accidentally.After the
adventures,Pinocchio finally grows up.He turns to be honest,hard-working and kind and he
becomes a real boy.This story tells us that honesty,hard-work,courage and kindness are
the most important to us.
Carlo Collodi.It’s about the naughty adventures of Pinocchio and his poor father.An angel
gives life to Pinocchio,so that he starts his adventures.If he wanted to become a real
boy,he must pass the test of courage,loyalty and honesty.During his adventures,he cuts
class for fun and treated because of greed.He turns into a donkey because of his
naughtiness.Besides,he is punished.Once he tells a lie,his nose would be longer.At
last,he falls into the belly ofa big whale and meets Geppetto accidentally.After the
adventures,Pinocchio finally grows up.He turns to be honest,hard-working and kind and he
becomes a real boy.This story tells us that honesty,hard-work,courage and kindness are
the most important to us.
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