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Snack is a kind of taste in with particular style characteristic of the floorboard of the food,can be used as a banquet the ornament of early or between the main food,food taken late at night.General selling snacks low starting point,the price is not high,the average people can afford.
We have a snack called "oil cover Ci",should say this kind of snacks hakka people only.In our here throughout the year all someone Fried to sell,the price is very cheap,ordinary general a dollar money is only ten,this just add the chopped green onion to fry,if add some shredded in,pumpkin wire,wire or add fish head visualszto the price is different.The feeding a not fifty cents a,older charging more is a yuan each.
This oil Ci looks outside of coke cover in loose,smell haunting aromas,a bite out of it that is incredibly beautiful,that Ci tongue in between a turn,really make a person want to bite in the second one.The average people think the pan fry out from the food has heat,actually this oil Ci cover the most delicious of hou is just the pan in the most delicious when,when soft andmoist,fragrance is strong.In the winter,eat two oil Ci cover,can let you cure hunger,dispel body in the cold.If in the summer,you have the cold beer to eat this oil Ci cover,the taste is not can use language and words to express,only experience after know what is good to eat.
This oil Ci cover a Pope benefits,is of the hotel can drink,drink many,often morning when brushing your teeth will retching,this is on the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine of belly bottom said cold (stomach cold stomach virtual),eat the oil Ci cover the day after brushing your teeth will not stem ou,this is my experience,the average person I will not tell him.

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