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关键词:新农村建设 欠发达地区 忻州市 研究
The new rural construction is to solve "three agriculture" problems, our party to promote agriculture rural work in the new strategy, is the future quite a long period of overall layout of rural work. For a long time, has been at a disadvantage in the economic and social development of less developed regions, the construction of the rural economic and social but also has many problems, such as the low level of productivity, poor infrastructure, shortage of funds, agricultural science and technology content is not high, anti-risk ability is weak, farmers' overall quality is low, the low level of industrialization, and so on, in the new rural construction, the pressure is bigger. Therefore, how to find a way out of trouble, the new rural construction of less developed areas to the national average level or catch up with the developed areas, has become our unavoidable reality problem. This article from the background of new rural construction in our country, analyzes the significance of the new rural construction proposed, domestic related achievements of new rural construction are introduced, different subject, analyzes the successful cases of the new rural construction in different regions of the world, in the case of xinzhou, on accelerating the development of rural economy, increasing financial investment, to provide financial support, cultivating new farmers, increase farmers' income and other issues are discussed fully, this paper tries to explore a conform to the actual path of the new rural construction in less developed areas.

This article use theory and quantity analysis method of combining, in the possession of the data, on the basis of the questions has carried on the comprehensive analysis, and the new rural construction of xinzhou city has carried on the empirical research. At the same time points out the weakness existed in the research and prospect of underdeveloped regions in new rural construction.

Key words: the new rural construction
Less developed areas
Xinzhou city

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