早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1 I was tired .I went to bed(so...that)
2 Despite her great age,she was very graccful indeed.The archacologists have been unable to discover her identity.(but)
3 They have sold out the light green dresses(被动句)
4 It immediately ran away.She saw the puma(when)
5 The city at one time must have been prosperous.It enjoyed a high level of civilization..(for)
1 I was tired .I went to bed(so...that)
2 Despite her great age,she was very graccful indeed.The archacologists have been unable to discover her identity.(but)
3 They have sold out the light green dresses(被动句)
4 It immediately ran away.She saw the puma(when)
5 The city at one time must have been prosperous.It enjoyed a high level of civilization..(for)
1. I was so tired that I went to bed.
2. ...but the archacoligists...
3.The light green dresses have been sold out by them.
4. When she saw the puma, it immediately ran away.
5.The city enjoyed a high level of civilization, for it at one time was prosperous.
2. ...but the archacoligists...
3.The light green dresses have been sold out by them.
4. When she saw the puma, it immediately ran away.
5.The city enjoyed a high level of civilization, for it at one time was prosperous.
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