早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



51. Oil prices have __________ (接近) their highest level for almost ten years.

52. Many workers were __________ (失业的) because of the economic problem.

53. The way my brother talked to my mother __________ (烦扰) me.

54. The n__________ temperature of a human being is about 37 ℃ .

55. We are so poor that we __________ (极少地) eat in the restaurant.

56. We must take __________ (辛苦) to face the difficulties in our life.

57. The man felt __________ (尴尬的) because he met his ex-wife in the supermarket.

58. The i__________ of the medicine are written in English German and Japanese.

59. Be sure to be __________ (热心的) about your work.

60. Iron r__________ with water and air to produce rust.

61. We dressed up for the party but she was still in her __________ (普通的) clothes.

62. The population’s becoming large has threatened the b__________ of nature.

63. It is __________ (违法的) to drive a car that is not taxed and insured.

64. This summer millions of __________ (参与者) join in the exciting game---the 2014 World Cup.

65. The best t__________ for a cold is to rest and drink more water.

66. The people involved in the wedding __________ (仪式) all enjoyed themselves.

67. The children’s shouts __________ (惊吓) off the birds just now.

68. There must be something we can take back as __________ (纪念品) .

69. Having no children of their own they decided to a__________ an orphan.

70. They wore t_________ Chinese clothes to attend the party.

71. To their great sorrow the new school was __________ (毁坏) in the flood.

72. If you want to catch that train we’d better set off for the station __________ (立即) .

73. An e__________ person is very active and seldom feels tired.

74. The two girls are __________ (类似地) dressed and I can hardly tell them apart.

75. During the meeting his speech was __________ (录音) on a tape.

76. It’s difficult to understand the passage with so many __________ (复杂) sentences.

77. My little brother has a t__________ for music.

78. The jar __________ (装有) petrol is leaking.

79. The __________ (来源) of the information is not reliable.

80. The desert is a__________ only by helicopter.


5 1. approached  52. unemployed  53. bothered  54. normal  55. rarely  56. pains  57. embarrassed  58. instructions  59. enthusiastic  60. reacts  61. ordinary  62. balance  63. illegal  64. participants  65. treatment  66. ceremony  67. frightened  68. souvenirs  69. adopt  70. traditional  71. destroyed  72. immediately  73. energetic  74. similarly  75. recorded  76.complex  77. talent  78. containing  79. source  80. accessible


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