早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


The pupil scored twogoals.
These thick books are hers.(改为同义句)
I was at home yesterdayevening.(一般疑问句,并否定回答)
Mr Smith went to Hong Kongby plane last month.
My mother took me to a parklast Sunday.(一般疑问句,并否定回答)
Mary ate one bowl of riceyesterday.
Those big watermelons are this villager’s.
That is our big new flat.(改为同义句)
Are the children cleaning theclassroom now?(用just now 替换 now)
The lady in red is our English teacher.
My little brother can hear adrill in the street.
My brother heard a lorry in thestreet.(否定句)
3.were you at home yesterday evening?
-yes,i was.
4.did Mr.Smith go to Hong Kong last Sunday?
-yes,he did.
5.did your mother take you to a park last Sunday?
-Yes,she did.
9.did the children clean the classroom just now?
10.the lady in red is not our English teacher.
11.my little brother can not hear a drill in the street.
12.my brother didn't hear a lorry in the street.

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