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Marx once said - the success of the road there are many of crooked road,and only a brave man to reach the glorious summit.Indeed,the success of the road is bumpy,and only rely on its own right attitude,to be successful.
In my memory,there is such a story - have a personal as boat overturned,and can only rely on a board floating in the water,grasping a day of live fish to eat,drink water.Because of his strong will,and finally found two months after the Coast Guard,and saved on the shore.This is the legendary story of ordinary people,he can rely on our own will and the attitude of the difficulties to earn a victory in war and death.Also its contrary,while some people have not the slightest confidence in themselves so that their failure in business,friendship failure ......eventually regret their own life.
Qing Zheng Xie wrote such a poem:"Yao Ding Aoyama do not relax,rooted in the original rock-breaking.1000 Mill 10000 Jian Jin was also hit,he served as North and South Korea East wind." Zheng Xie wrote the kind of bamboo is a strong will ,as well as difficulties in attitude.Under the sun,like a lot of people like bamboo,Robinson is one of a representative.
Robinson and the fleet separated after the island depended on a little bit of poor material survived,heaven pays off,a passing of the fleet to living on the island for 28 years,Robinson saved back ......
Success,than that is the attitude of their own,as long as the right attitude,success will naturally come into your body
"Attitude is everything,and actively self-confidence Kechien success." In history and our reality,because of the live,learn,work,career hold a negative attitude,finally mediocrity who,countless.And adopt a positive attitude,hard struggle,ultimately successful,everywhere.This is the attitude towards life decisions.A person's success or not depends on his attitude,so that the attitude determines one's future and destiny.
Discouraged others depressed,weakly,when the lost soul.They are vigorous and high morale; on others to give up because of difficulties,they have the persistence and patience; in others stood still,and swing from time to time,they are motivated and energetic; in others,let lazy,listless,they fully in order to go,not looking for an excuse to concentrate on.Former nothing,the latter a brilliant.Opportunities arise because of the attitude and destiny with the attitude change.Attitude is the tips.To change the fate of the required change of attitude from the beginning.
Attitudes can be changed.When an individual or group social environment in which a change occurs,it will cause individuals to certain changes in attitudes; when an individual in the group's role changed,it will also cause some change in attitude; when the prestigious publicity or under the action of a strong instrument of public opinion,will give rise to certain attitudes change.10000 times and sometimes also on the falsehood as "truth." What kind of attitude there is what kind of life,life needs its own working hard.
Fate in their own hands.Own hands and clothing,there's song called "爱拼才会赢." To be self-reliant,self-improvement,self-confidence,their attitude determines your life,pessimistic attitude toward life impact of constraining its own development.
Success is based on attitude,the attitude is more important than ability.Attitude to the insights from the details,there must be a correct understanding of self-attitude.Each of us personality,talents,abilities,their environment and so different,we need to do is to carefully analyze the characteristics of their own to find things for myself,instead of complaining,but can not complain about others,whether in the Under what circumstances,no matter what difficulties we encountered,we must have a positive attitude towards life and show your generosity,self-confident,optimistic,open,progressive and loyalty.In a complex environment,maintain a positive attitude towards life requires self-motivation,to recognized themselves,
Encourage their own,face up to themselves,to face difficulties and setbacks,must win hearts to see the light.
Learning is an attitude that only a person of humility we can really learn more things,good learning,good communication is the right attitude for life,and for your success is useful.In short,Dafan successful,they always use the most confident state of mind,the most optimistic spirit,active domination and control over their own life.With a positive attitude and does not guarantee the success of everything,everything all wishes come true.However,a positive attitude will definitely improve a person's daily life,making it full of life.On the contrary,negative attitude will be lost,will not succeed.

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