早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Passage 1
For most people,life is easier and more comfortable than ever before.Convenience foods from the supermarket simplify shopping and cooking.Household appliances like the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine have taken the drudgery out of housework.Released from these household chores,many wives have found jobs outside the home.Women are achieving economic independence.
Families,too,are simpler today.In American,it is not customary for parents to live with their married children.With our greater mobility,relatives have scattered,the parents retiring to Florida or Arizona and the young people,after they marry,going wherever their jobs or their parents or their interests take them.
Young adult women have new freedom,too.While attending college,they often live away from home,sometimes far from their parents or their relatives.After college,they move to the city,find a job,and set up a ‘bachelor' apartment.This is the era of women's liberation.
But all this freedom and affluence (富裕) have had an unforeseen and in some respects a devastating (破坏的)effect on marriage.
1.In the U.S.,families are becoming ______.
A) bigger
B) smaller
C) easier
D) freer
2.Why are women able to achieve economic independence?
A) Because convenience foods are available.
B) Because they have their own salary
C) Because they are free away from drudgery
D) Because they are attending college.
3.Hard housework was taken away by _________.
A) liberated women
B) retired parents
C) supermarkets
D) modern equipment
4.Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?
A) Women's liberation had made it possible for them to study.
B) Comfortable life influences marriage in America.
C) Adults can go wherever they want.
D) Women prefer to be bachelors.
5.The next implies that the author _______.
A) highly praises the liberation of women
B) heartily enjoys this freedom and affluence
C) strongly recommends such kind of social life
D) greatly worries about the bond of marriage
Passage 1
For most people,life is easier and more comfortable than ever before.Convenience foods from the supermarket simplify shopping and cooking.Household appliances like the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine have taken the drudgery out of housework.Released from these household chores,many wives have found jobs outside the home.Women are achieving economic independence.
Families,too,are simpler today.In American,it is not customary for parents to live with their married children.With our greater mobility,relatives have scattered,the parents retiring to Florida or Arizona and the young people,after they marry,going wherever their jobs or their parents or their interests take them.
Young adult women have new freedom,too.While attending college,they often live away from home,sometimes far from their parents or their relatives.After college,they move to the city,find a job,and set up a ‘bachelor' apartment.This is the era of women's liberation.
But all this freedom and affluence (富裕) have had an unforeseen and in some respects a devastating (破坏的)effect on marriage.
1.In the U.S.,families are becoming ______.
A) bigger
B) smaller
C) easier
D) freer
2.Why are women able to achieve economic independence?
A) Because convenience foods are available.
B) Because they have their own salary
C) Because they are free away from drudgery
D) Because they are attending college.
3.Hard housework was taken away by _________.
A) liberated women
B) retired parents
C) supermarkets
D) modern equipment
4.Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?
A) Women's liberation had made it possible for them to study.
B) Comfortable life influences marriage in America.
C) Adults can go wherever they want.
D) Women prefer to be bachelors.
5.The next implies that the author _______.
A) highly praises the liberation of women
B) heartily enjoys this freedom and affluence
C) strongly recommends such kind of social life
D) greatly worries about the bond of marriage
1.B 美国家庭,子女和父母逐渐分离开来,所以,家庭规模越来越小
2.B A/C选项是B选项的前提条件,D选项与题意无关
3.D 那些琐事逐步由现代化机器代劳
4.D A/B/C三个选项在文章中都有提及,唯有第四个选项与题意无关
5.D 文章末尾表达了作者的担忧,正如句子的中心在末尾一样,文章也类似,真正作者要表达的意思就在于对婚姻关系逐渐淡化的担忧
2.B A/C选项是B选项的前提条件,D选项与题意无关
3.D 那些琐事逐步由现代化机器代劳
4.D A/B/C三个选项在文章中都有提及,唯有第四个选项与题意无关
5.D 文章末尾表达了作者的担忧,正如句子的中心在末尾一样,文章也类似,真正作者要表达的意思就在于对婚姻关系逐渐淡化的担忧
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