早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Love and Friendship - a poem by Emily Bronte
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green
2.Friends from the start, when everything was new. Friends through the hard part of growing-up we got through. Friends through the middle parts: the good and the bad. Friends through the happy times. Friends through the sad. So wherever you go: here, there or wherever... know that you've got a place in my heart ? friends from the start: friends forever.
Thanks for being such a great friend.
love you!
3.Can We Still Be Friends?

I was cold and hurting
lost out in the night
wandering and searching
for heaven's light
I saw the night sky clearing
when you spread your rainbow wings
But little did I know
what joy you would bring
From that moment on
a friendship did start
you kissed away my tears
and sheltered my heart
I bless the day God
sent him from above
But then I grew fearful
for I had fallen in love
I told you this feeling
and what did you say?
You said you liked our friendship
and that's how it would stay
I cried for a friendship I thought I lost
But then felt your warm, gentle hand
You then whispered in my ear
that by my side you'll forever stand

4.Friendship is the prettiest flower,
Flourishing and dazzling forever;
Friendship is the sweetest spring,
Nourishing my heart, everlasting.

Dear friends,
You are the angel of my life;
Slowly wiping my sorrows away,
With your encouraging words,
And your soothing, sunny smile,
For always!

Dear friends,
You are the guardian of my life;
Brightening up my face like a warm ray,
You treasure my joy, celebrate my success, share my happiness;
You tell me never to be proud with caring in your eyes,
For always!

When I’m depressed,
You also feel my stress;
You pat my shoulders,
And take me into your embrace;
You dissolve my tears with your caress,
And you listen to my pitiful sobs,
To my worries and woes with apt intentness;
You explain to me, the truth of life, the way to success,
Sweeping away,
My sadness.

When I fulfill my dreams,
You also scream to the extremes;
You cheer and smile,
Giving me your brightest beams;
‘Do everything with esteem,
Never be arrogant,
Because that’s the greatest enemy!’
You tell me how to reach,
The shiniest stars I can see;
You give me advice, help, encouragement,
And best of all, love and belief.

How can I ever let you know,
All the strength and love I found in you?
I just wanna say loudly,
Thank you!

Friendship is lovelier than a doe,
Caring, joyous forever so bold;
Friendship is purer than snow,
No hostility, no greediness, no foe;
Friendship is clearer than jewels,
If it’s carelessly abandoned,
You’ll be all alone;
Friendship is shinier than gold,
Inspect each other’s mind,
And see the glint of souls.

Friendship gleams like the winter sun,
Warming you up,
Making you feel safe and sound;
Friendship is like a summer breeze,
Cooling down your anger and fury,
Brushing aside your weep.

Something to be preserved deep at heart;
Shining like a star.
And I tenderly use it,
To decorate the sky of my heart.

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