早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
你们都知道Harry Potter的电影,请你根据表格信息,简述这部电影
What's the name of the film?Harry Potter
Where does it take place?In magical world
Who is in it?Harry Potter
What is the story?a wizard ,learn to magic ,at Hogwarts school,
hard and brave,finally,defeat enemy
What do you think of?Ineresting,bring us to the fantastic magical world
What's the name of the film?Harry Potter
Where does it take place?In magical world
Who is in it?Harry Potter
What is the story?a wizard ,learn to magic ,at Hogwarts school,
hard and brave,finally,defeat enemy
What do you think of?Ineresting,bring us to the fantastic magical world
There is an interesting film ,HARRY POTTER, about a boy named Harry Potter's life in magical world. He learns to magic at Hogwarts school to be a wizard .But the life in magical world is very hard so he must be brave to face the danger from every where .Finally , he defeats the enemy and the dread .This is a wonderful film , it can bring us to the fantastic magical world.
There is an interesting film ,HARRY POTTER, about a boy named Harry Potter's life in magical world. He learns to magic at Hogwarts school to be a wizard .But the life in magical world is very hard so he must be brave to face the danger from every where .Finally , he defeats the enemy and the dread .This is a wonderful film , it can bring us to the fantastic magical world.
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