早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





1.What does the man want to drink?




2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Make a phone call to Sandy.

B.Attend Sandy’s birthday party.

C.Go to look after her uncle in the hospital.

3.What does the man want to know?

A.The dormitory hours.

B.The problem with the rules.

C.The door number of the dormitory.

4.Why would the man prefer an apartment?

A.It’s more comfortable living in an apartment.

B.Life in an apartment is cheaper.

C.He is not fond of gardening.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.There are not enough parks.

B.Parking areas are full before 10∶00.

C.Parking areas are closed before 10∶00.


6.Why is the woman disappointed?

A.The price of that car is rising quickly.

B.She lost her credit card.

C.She was unable to get a car loan.

7.What does she finally decide to do?

A.Try to buy the car next year.

B.Buy a smaller car.

C.Complain to the manager.


8.When did the speakers buy the washing machine?



C.Last week.

9.Why hasn’t the woman used the washing machine?

A.It is out of order.

B.She doesn’t know how to use it.

C.She can’t find the instructions.

10.What is the first step according to the instructions?

A.Put the clothes in.

B.Put the washing powder in.

C.Plug in the machine.


11.Where is the conversation taking place?

A.In a store.

B.At a stadium.

C.On the phone.

12.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A.Employer and employee.

B.Salesman and customer.

C.Receptionist and visitor.

13.How much will the woman pay?

A.$32 . 15.

B.$35 . 90.

C.$39 . 15.

14.What do we know about the shop?

A.It sells things related to water sports.

B.All the things in the shop are very cheap.

C.It only accepts on-line orders.


15.What do we know about the man?

A.He is quite familiar with Chinese wine.

B.He knows very little about Chinese food.

C.He has been in China for a while.

16.Which dish is not on the man’s order?


B.Sauteed beef


17.What drink does the man finally choose?

A.Qingdao beer


C.Rice wine.


18.How long did the solar eclipse(日全食)last?

A.For 3 minutes and 36 seconds.

B.For 6 minutes and 22 seconds.

C.For 6 minutes and 39 seconds.

19.In what way is a solar eclipse magical?

A.One can experience total darkness and light in a few minutes.

B.We can gain more knowledge about the natural world.

C.People can only see it once in a lifetime.

20.How should we watch the solar eclipse?

A.With just our eyes.

B.With common sunglasses.

C.With special equipment.
