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With the coming of knowledge economy era, the rapid development of information technology and global economic integration brings intense competition, the competition between enterprises has changed into the competition between supply chain, knowledge has become the most competitive one of resource, and the supply chain is a very important enterprise external knowledge source, enterprises must continuously. Through knowledge transfer and share update the knowledge of this enterprise, in order to continue to maintain its competitiveness can not be eliminated, to the traditional supply chain management mode gradually transforms to the knowledge flow is the core of the management mode of operation.
Based on this, this article selects the enterprises on the supply chain as the research object, exploring the supply chain enterprise knowledge transfer effect. Through to the domestic and foreign relevant research literature reading and Analysis on Influencing Factors of knowledge transfer, will be divided into five categories: knowledge, knowledge receiver sender factors factors of knowledge transfer, situational factors, factors of knowledge characteristics and the factors of trust in five dimensions, based on trust between enterprises in supply chain mode of knowledge transfer and knowledge transfer between enterprises of supply chain effect model, reach in different supply chain knowledge transfer context, should adopt what kind of trust model can more effectively carry out the knowledge transfer activities, and through the questionnaire survey data collection, using SPSS17.0 and AMOS7.0 software for the empirical analysis, including the reliability test, factor analysis and structural equation analysis, the proposed assumption of validation, further to improve the effectiveness of knowledge transfer between enterprises in a supply chain provides a certain theoretical basis and practical significance.
The result of empirical analysis shows: knowledge and knowledge receiver sender two motivation direct effect on knowledge transfer effect, knowledge characteristics and trust are also affect knowledge transfer effect is main because of, knowledge level has positive effect on knowledge transfer efficiency but not force; cooperation situation, the enterprises on the supply chain in the transfer knowledge activities, does not mean to the effect of knowledge transfer has a positive effect, but sometimes there are lazy employees and" hitchhike" acts.

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