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9.3 Tax Credit:If following any such deduction or withholding as is referred to in Clause 9.2 (Gross-up),a Lender in its sole opinion in good faith receives or is granted a credit against or remission for any taxes payable by it in respect of the amount of such deduction or withholding,that Lender will,as soon as it is in that Lender’s sole opinion in good faith practicable to determine the relevant amount and after such determination,subject to the Borrower having made any increased payment in accordance with Clause 9.2 (Gross-up) and without prejudice to the retention of the amount of such credit or remission,reimburse the Borrower with such amount as that Lender shall in good faith certify to be the proportion of such credit or remission as will leave that Lender (after such reimbursement) in no worse position than it would have been in having regard to all circumstances,had there been no such deduction or withholding as aforesaid.Such reimbursement shall be accepted by the Borrower in full and final settlement of its rights under this Clause.Nothing herein shall oblige any Lender to disclose its books or records or the means used to arrive at the amount of such reimbursement or any details thereof.Nothing herein shall affect each Lender’s absolute discretion as to the order and manner in which it employs or claims tax credits and the allowances available to it.
9.3税收抵免:如果下列任何此类扣除或扣留所提到的第9.2 (毛的) ,贷款人根据自己的判断意见,诚意接受或给予信贷或缓解对任何应交税金由它在尊重的数额扣除或扣留等,即贷款人将尽快正是在这种放款人的意见,唯一可行的诚意,以确定有关的数额和确定后,须对借款人作出任何付款按照增加与第9.2 (毛的) ,并在不影响保留的金额,例如信用卡或缓解,偿还借款的数额的贷款人应真诚地证明是这种信贷的比例或缓解作为将离开这贷款人(后偿还)在没有出现恶化状况比它本来在顾及所有情况下,如果没有这种扣除或扣留上述.这种偿还应接受的,借款人的完全和最终解决的权利,这一条款.本项规定概不要求贷款人披露任何书籍或记录或使用的手段到达数额的补偿或任何细节情况.本项规定概不影响每个贷款人的绝对酌情权,以的顺序和方式,其中雇用或索赔税收抵免和向它提供津贴.