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This article research,has profited from the achievement which the predecessor studies,this article reciprocity through between the analysis electronic commerce and the physical distribution,had pointed out under the electronic commerce stimulation the physical distribution development direction and the characteristic,have pointed out under the electronic commerce stimulation the physical distribution management meaning and the characteristic,but also special explanation supply chain and supply chain management.This article the physical distribution development model has also carried on the analysis,the classification on the electronic commerce stimulation,and carried on to each physical distribution development model has made the analysis.And take the universe group's physical distribution development as the example,elaborated under the electronic commerce stimulation the physical distribution pattern from sole to comprehensive the change process.
This article through to under the electronic commerce stimulation's physical distribution's research,obtains the following viewpoint:Under the development electronic commerce stimulation's logistics is the time request,the electronic commerce rapidly expand,to the Chinese logistics,since challenge,is also the opportunity,only then grasps the opportunity to be able to meet the challenge well.

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伴随着信息化与互联网的高速发展,电子商务作为较先进的商业模式呈现蓬勃发展之势。2015年中国电子商  2020-07-30 …

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英语翻译因特网的迅速扩展为电子商务活动提供了极为广阔的发展空间,电子商务的应用和推广将给社会和经济带  2020-12-14 …

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有学者认为中国民族资本主义阶段性发展特点是:风气初开;天下移风;飙转豹变。“飙转豹变”(快速发展)这  2020-12-24 …

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随着CPI不断攀升,人们开始重新审视自己的购物方式,上购物的人越来越多,电子商务得到了飞速发展。电子  2021-01-12 …