早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我需要一篇初一水平英语作文演讲稿.够我将两三分钟的那种,最好是自己写的,范文也行.注:初中水平够我讲2~3分钟题目“我收到过的最好的一份礼物”要求:when did it happen?who gave you the present an why?describe the present.what did you do to it and why?why did you like it?
我需要一篇初一水平英语作文演讲稿.够我将两三分钟的那种,最好是自己写的,范文也行.注:初中水平够我讲2~3分钟题目“我收到过的最好的一份礼物”要求:when did it happen?who gave you the present an why?describe the present.what did you do to it and why?why did you like it?
The best present I have ever received
The best gift I have ever received in my life is a memory book.For years my mom and I had a strained relationship.We fought a lot,and I grew up thinking she didn't like me very much.When I left for college I moved away for good.Then four years ago at Christmas my mom gave me a scrapbook she had put together just for me.It told our story:her pregnancy,my birth,my first swimming lessons -- all the milestones in my life.Each picture had captions,so under my ballet class photo,for instance,she wrote,"What beautiful ballerinas -- but you were the most beautiful." I sobbed like a baby when I read it.I realized that this was her way of saying,"I probably didn't tell you enough,but I'm telling you now:I loved every moment of raising you." It was as if years of hurt were healed instantly.Now we have a great relationship; we call and visit each other so much more than before.That book really was a gift of love.
The best gift I have ever received in my life is a memory book.For years my mom and I had a strained relationship.We fought a lot,and I grew up thinking she didn't like me very much.When I left for college I moved away for good.Then four years ago at Christmas my mom gave me a scrapbook she had put together just for me.It told our story:her pregnancy,my birth,my first swimming lessons -- all the milestones in my life.Each picture had captions,so under my ballet class photo,for instance,she wrote,"What beautiful ballerinas -- but you were the most beautiful." I sobbed like a baby when I read it.I realized that this was her way of saying,"I probably didn't tell you enough,but I'm telling you now:I loved every moment of raising you." It was as if years of hurt were healed instantly.Now we have a great relationship; we call and visit each other so much more than before.That book really was a gift of love.
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