Jim Tom John Lee Kylie在大学就读,他们各自有各自喜欢的大学生活,第82-86题是他们的个人情况介绍。阅读关于大学生活的简介(A、B、C、D、E、F) 选出符合个人需要的最佳选择。选项中有一项是多余选项。
82. Jim can make a sports fan indeed. He often joins different kinds of sports club. For you know he holds the belief that taking more exercise can be great fun and he has benefited from it a lot. So after class the busy figure in the sports field is always eye-catching.
83. Tom never likes to be deserted. If possible he will spend time with his partners. In his mind sharing the happiness and sorrow with them is a great pleasure in his life. So living with partners can fulfill the dream of getting together.
84. John is keen on collecting objects that stand for the local culture whatever the size is. He makes it enjoyment to hold the large collection of those objects once he made a careful choice of when he pays a visit to various places throughout the world.
85. Lee is crazy about the history both at home and abroad especially the settlement of the Aborigines living in the continent called Oceania. Now he is making a further research into the history about its first pioneers on the island.
86. Kylie is considering attending a course in order to improve her reading skill. It is certain that speed is the key. So she wants to learn some useful tips on how to make reading better by practicing in class.
A. Fielder Library will be open from 9:00-22:00. this library is one of the largest libraries in
B. Residential college life is fun and rewarding and the best way to make friends in your first year at university. Tours of the colleges run throughout the day. Ask at the Colleges Information Booth for tour times and the cost of living in.
C. The University Union’s Contact Information Desk and campus store in the
D. Guided tours of the
E. Interactive displays and exhibits by Chemistry Mathematics Biology Physics and Psychology department will be held throughout the day in the Chemistry building. Come in and talk to us about our courses and your areas of interest.
F. The new University College Sports and
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