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I will tell you something about how to prevent the fires of method
One is to put the fire management regulations with farming into local turn, with CunGui to restrain bad with fire. Between the mutual supervision, remind each other, and abide by.
Two is to strengthen the management of wild fire. Fire rank 4 class above, it is strictly prohibited to all the wild forest with fire. Due to special circumstances need to use fire, must be approved by the people's government at the county level people's government at the county level or authorized organizations approved by the production license for with fire.
Three is the forest fire prevention period, banned in forest region within the mechanical hunting, live maneuvers, blasting and the investigation and construction activities. For special requirements, must be approved by the relevant departments, and take the fire prevention measures and make ready to fire.
Standard with fire on farming, eliminate hidden dangers the fires
Four is built to report, the rewards and punishment system. The report with fire, the circumstance solid, give certain award; Violation of farming, forest fire with fire caused the fire, to hang the village leader, work captain, CunZhiShu, CunZhuRen and BaoCun from personnel, ShanChang owner to punish, wrecker fire according to law shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

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