早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1、how do we comfort someone whose relative or friend just passed away?
2、how to say 节哀顺变 in english?
3、i come across some foreign friends on the street and take a little chat with them.after a while,i wanna leave.so what should i say to end the conversation naturally and appropriately?
1.常用的几句,i'm sorry (然后拥抱一下);he was a good man/friend;we'll miss him;don't be sad , he/she'll be watching you in the heaven.
2.如果一定要说的话可以说pls , restrain your grief
3.可以说glad to talk to you guys, but i gotta go now, or i'll be late for (比如date, work, meeting ,etc...) 也可以说sorry i have to leave now, i have something/some bussiness/sth personal to deal with, hope i can see u again later.