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这座纪念碑是为纪念在解放战争中牺牲的士兵建立的(in honour of)
因为不能忍受酷热的太阳 那个女孩在军训中昏过去了(faint in)
姚明在昨天比赛中的表现给每个球迷留下了深刻的印象 make an impression on
那架飞机不是在起飞的时候而是在着陆的时候失事的 be wrecked
我多么希望你们中间的一个将来能获得诺贝尔奖 one of you
援救队尽了一切努力 救出了困在山里的两名探险者 be stranded
1.This monument was built in honour of the soldiers who died in the war
2.The girl fainted in the middle of military training because she couldn't stand the heat from the sun.
3.Yao Ming made a deep impression on his fans during yesterday's match
4.The plane did not wreck during take-off,it wrecked during landing.
5.I really hope one of you will win the Nobel Prize someday.
6.The rescue team gave all they had to rescue a couple of hikers stranded on the mountain.