早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The slide gate or ‘dam’ is located 6.0 m from the initial section of the canal.This slide gate is activated by means of a system of counter weights which,after a small stretch of free falling,stretch a cable,which guided by a system of pulleys,quickly opens the gate.The time taken to open the slide gate was estimated by the video filming to be 0.2 seconds.The gate is installed with a photoelectrical cell which constitutes the trigger which sets into action or initiates the measuring and data collection system for each test.
For Test 1 a constriction reach was built downstream from the slide gate,at a distance of approximately 7.80 m.the transition for the entrance and exit section,are carried out with vertical walls at 45°angle relating to the canal walls.The walls of the constriction are of ‘perspex’ and the length of the stretch which is constricted is 1.0 m.In the middle of the constricted section a probe was placed to measure the height/depth of the water during each test.Besides this probe,two other probes were placed between the slide gate and the constricted section and another one downstream from the slide gate.
For Test 2 the final stretch of the canal,was asymmetrically widened (in the right ‘embankment’) to a width of 2.3 m.The length of the ‘flood plan’ is 6.7 m and the section where the abrupt widening occurs (at 90°) is located 6.4 m from the section in which the gate is located.During this test,five probes were installed in the floodplain area and one in the canal,downstream from the slide gate.
During the two tests,the downstream initial levels of water were imposed by slide gates inserted in the downstream end of the canal.In order to measure the water levels at the chosen flow sections conductance probes were developed by LNEC.
The Test 1,in which the section of the canal is locally narrowed downstream from the slide gate,enabled,besides the analysis of the behaviour of various wave types,to verify and validate the developed one and two-dimensional models.
In the present paper the results obtained from the one and two-dimensional models will be presented in the test simulation with a constriction with a width of BC=0.015 m.
The simulation carried out with both the computational models had a coefficient of Manning-Strickler KS=100 m1/3/s.In the two-dimensional model,the computational steps Δx and Δy are equal to 0.05 m.In the one-dimensional model,local head losses were not considered and the computational step,Δx,was also 0.05m.
The initial levels of water upstream and down stream from the slide gate,in the simulated test,are,respectively,equal to Hm=0.300,Hj=0.003(a relative depth variation of 0.01).
The slide gate or ‘dam’ is located 6.0 m from the initial section of the canal.This slide gate is activated by means of a system of counter weights which,after a small stretch of free falling,stretch a cable,which guided by a system of pulleys,quickly opens the gate.The time taken to open the slide gate was estimated by the video filming to be 0.2 seconds.The gate is installed with a photoelectrical cell which constitutes the trigger which sets into action or initiates the measuring and data collection system for each test.
For Test 1 a constriction reach was built downstream from the slide gate,at a distance of approximately 7.80 m.the transition for the entrance and exit section,are carried out with vertical walls at 45°angle relating to the canal walls.The walls of the constriction are of ‘perspex’ and the length of the stretch which is constricted is 1.0 m.In the middle of the constricted section a probe was placed to measure the height/depth of the water during each test.Besides this probe,two other probes were placed between the slide gate and the constricted section and another one downstream from the slide gate.
For Test 2 the final stretch of the canal,was asymmetrically widened (in the right ‘embankment’) to a width of 2.3 m.The length of the ‘flood plan’ is 6.7 m and the section where the abrupt widening occurs (at 90°) is located 6.4 m from the section in which the gate is located.During this test,five probes were installed in the floodplain area and one in the canal,downstream from the slide gate.
During the two tests,the downstream initial levels of water were imposed by slide gates inserted in the downstream end of the canal.In order to measure the water levels at the chosen flow sections conductance probes were developed by LNEC.
The Test 1,in which the section of the canal is locally narrowed downstream from the slide gate,enabled,besides the analysis of the behaviour of various wave types,to verify and validate the developed one and two-dimensional models.
In the present paper the results obtained from the one and two-dimensional models will be presented in the test simulation with a constriction with a width of BC=0.015 m.
The simulation carried out with both the computational models had a coefficient of Manning-Strickler KS=100 m1/3/s.In the two-dimensional model,the computational steps Δx and Δy are equal to 0.05 m.In the one-dimensional model,local head losses were not considered and the computational step,Δx,was also 0.05m.
The initial levels of water upstream and down stream from the slide gate,in the simulated test,are,respectively,equal to Hm=0.300,Hj=0.003(a relative depth variation of 0.01).
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