早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


C.O.P.D(慢性障碍性肺病) blocks air flow through the lungs. It makes breathing difficult. The leading cause of C.O.P.D. is cigarette smoking. Experts at the National Institutes of Health in the United States say there is no cure to the damage to the lungs.
Dawn Demeo is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. She said, “By 2020, C.O.P.D. may be the third leading cause of death across the world.”
C.O.P.D. is a new name for emphysema(肺气肿) and chronic bronchitis(慢性支气管炎). These are the two most common forms of the disease. Many people with C.O.P.D. have both of them. And Doctor Demeo says more women than men now die from the disease.
She is the lead author of a study by a team from Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of Bergen in Norway. The new study adds to findings that women may be more at risk than men from the damaging effects of smoking.
The team examined results from a Norwegian study of 954 people with C.O.P.D. Inga-Cecilie Soerheim co-wrote the team’s findings. Doctor Soerheim says they show that women suffered the same level of C.O.P.D.as men. But the female smokers were younger and had smoked a lot less.
The team also looked at two groups among the people in the study. These were people under the age of 60 and those who had smoked for less than 20 years. In both cases, women had more serious C.O.P.D. and a greater loss of lung function (功能)than men.
小题1:Which of the following statements about C.O.P.D is NOT true ______.
A. Cigarette smoking is likely to cause C.O.P.D.
B. C.O.P.D. makes it hard for a person to breathe
C. C.O.P.D will be one of the most life-threatening diseases.
D. Many people with C.O.P.D. have either emphysema or chronic bronchitis.
小题2:It can be known from the study that_____.
A. female smokers die faster than male ones.  
B. women are more likely to suffer from the damaging effects of smoking than men.
C. women who suffer the same level of C.O.P.D as men were older and weaker.
D. in the group of people under the age of 60, men suffered more from C.O.P.D than women.
小题3:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A .Smoking Kills
B. Smoking Triggers Diseases
C. The Leading Causes of C.O.P.D.
D. Women Suffers More from C.O.P.D. than Men  
小题4:In which part of a newspaper would you most probably read this passage?
A.Science B.Health report C.Education D.Business report



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