早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A few standardised colours shall be used to indicate the functional status of the equipment (run,alarm,stop,manual,select).This standard shall be applied on all different displays and for all departments.
The graphic coloured flowsheet presentation shall include as a minimum one overview
presentation of the department and one detailed presentation per group.
The static picture shall always follow the flow of material.Standardised,simple symbols shall be used.For easy reference the equipment code shall be presented.The same type of equipment shall always be represented by the same symbol for all departments.
A few standardised colours shall be used to indicate the functional status of the equipment (run, alarm, stop, manual, select). This standard shall be applied on all different displays and for all departments.
The graphic coloured flowsheet presentation shall include as a minimum one overview presentation of the department and one detailed presentation per group.
The static picture shall always follow the flow of material. Standardised, simple symbols shall be used. For easy reference the equipment code shall be presented. The same type of equipment shall always be represented by the same symbol for all departments.