早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
如果有些语法或什么错误请帮我改正,写那个正确的句子出来.well.teacher rosby.i'm one of your student.(i'm a girl) I don't know,what you thinking about lesbian.but,anyway,i love your smile.i love your sound.I love anything of you.because i love you.i mean,i love you as girlfriend or boyfriend.whatever.i know you have your husband,you have your child.but i can't stop think of you.because you are such of a beaty women.ha well,i think i love you,not only because you are a beaty women,also because you .well,i don't know.i think love someone doesn't need any reason.and i have final thing want to tell you.see the bottom.please.(it's most important point,you must read the final thing)please.
如果有些语法或什么错误请帮我改正,写那个正确的句子出来.well.teacher rosby.i'm one of your student.(i'm a girl) I don't know,what you thinking about lesbian.but,anyway,i love your smile.i love your sound.I love anything of you.because i love you.i mean,i love you as girlfriend or boyfriend.whatever.i know you have your husband,you have your child.but i can't stop think of you.because you are such of a beaty women.ha well,i think i love you,not only because you are a beaty women,also because you .well,i don't know.i think love someone doesn't need any reason.and i have final thing want to tell you.see the bottom.please.(it's most important point,you must read the final thing)please.
Well,TeachRosby I’m one of your student.(I’m a girl) I don't know what you thinking about lesbian.But,anyways,i love your smile,love your sound,I love anything about you,because i love you.I mean loving you as a girlfriend or boyfriend.Whatever.I know you have a husband,you have a child.But I can't stop thinking about you.Because youare such of a beautiful women.Ha Well,i think i love you,not only because you area beautiful woman,also because you’re .Well don't know.i think loving someone doesn'tneed any reason.and i have one more thing want to tell you.Lookat the bottom,please (it's the most important thing,you must read the lastone).我改过了,应该没问题了.希望示爱成功!^^
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