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用合适的时式 An important factor to take into ____
An important factor to take into ____[1.consider] in trying to answer this question is how socially useful a person's work is ,____[2.regard] of the talents he or she may bring to it.It is [3.general] accepted that looking after the sick or taking responsibilities for the education of the young is a more [4.value] pccupation than,say,selling second-hand cars.Yet used-car salesmen undoubtedly earn more than the nurses or teachers.But what about job___ [5.satisfy]?People who enjoy their jobs,the ___ [6.agrue] goes,get their reward in the form of a 'psychic wage' ,and that it is the people with the ____[7.repetition] jobs who need more money.Whatever the ___[8.true] is ,jobs which are traditionally thought of as 'vocations' continue to be __[9.relate] badly paid,while other jobs,such as those in the world of entertainment,carry ___[10.finance] rewards out of all proportion to their social worth.
1 consideration( take into consideration考虑到) 2 regardless(regardless of不管)3 generally(前后句意为:人们普遍认为……)4 valuable(形容词,有价值的)5 satisfaction(对工作的满意度)6 arguement(争...