早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A sudden rainfall blocks out the sunrise.But I'mnot that disappointed.I lose myself in the thick alpine fog to the point I don't notice the cold.The descent is made easier by porters,who haul my stuff down the slope for a fee.They'remuch stronger than I am and don't tire as easily,even when burdened by my cargo.
A sudden rainfall blocks out the sunrise.But I'mnot that disappointed.I lose myself in the thick alpine fog to the point I don't notice the cold.The descent is made easier by porters,who haul my stuff down the slope for a fee.They'remuch stronger than I am and don't tire as easily,even when burdened by my cargo.
下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是A.租赁(lìn)浸渍(zì)椽子(chuán)长歌当哭( 2020-05-16 …
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α交β=m,β交γ=l,γ交α=n,l垂直m,l垂直n,能不能推出m垂直n 2020-07-20 …
下列加点字的读音全都正确的一组是()A.拎包(līn)档期(dǎnɡ)春风骀荡(dài)戛然而止( 2020-07-23 …
设l,m,n为三条不同的直线,a为一个平面,对于下列命题:①若l⊥a,则l与a相交;②若m⊂a,n⊂ 2020-11-02 …
根据课文:2.根据拼音写汉字。泛làn()斑lán()怪dàn()门kǎn()lán语()垂xián 2020-11-11 …
下列字形和划线字注音全部正确的一项是()(3分)A.蹂躏(lìn)蜕变(tuò)凝视(níng)枯涸 2020-12-15 …
选出下列注音完全正确的一项A.逋慢(bū)岑寂(chén)蚁冢(zǒnɡ)模棱两可(lénɡ)B.逮 2020-12-18 …