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但与此同时,上海沿街的商家店铺在英语使用上还存在一些单词拼写错误、不够规范的地方.如把“skincare”写成”sincare”,把“福佑商厦”译成”Shanghai FuYou Shopping Central”(应为“Shanghai FuYou Shopping Central”),把“modern”写成“moder”等.同时还存在一些招牌英文译名不够确切或有“中国情景式的英语”之嫌的英文标识.如把“小心碰头”译成了”be careful to hit your head”,“兰州拉面”被译成”Lanzhou flour”,上海卧室用品公司的英文招牌写成了”Shanghai Bedroom Articles Co.”等等.
But at the same time,the Shanghai along the street merchant shop alsohas some word spelling mistakes,the insufficient standard place inEnglish use.If wrote "skincare" "sincare","blesses and protectbusiness mansion" to translate into "Shanghai FuYou Shopping Central"(to be supposed to be "Shanghai FuYou Shopping Central"),wrote"modern" "moder" and so on.Simultaneously also has some advertisementEnglish translated names insufficiently to be accurate or to haveEnglish marking which "Chinese scene -like English" disliked.If"carefully met" to translate into "be careful to hit your head","Lanzhou has pulled the surface" to translate into "Lanzhou flour",the Shanghai bedroom thing company's English advertisement had written"Shanghai Bedroom Articles Co." .