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帮忙翻译上外的综合教程第七册Unit4《Oxford》的最后一段,谢谢。上海外语教育出版社的《综合教程》book 7的UNIT 4的课文Oxford的第七段(最后一段).. And so it is that Oxford is in a sort a magnetic pole for English; ………………………… 很急啊..
And so it is that Oxford is in a sort a magnetic pole for England; a pole not, perhaps, of intellectual energy, or strenuous liberalism, or clamorous aims, or political ideas; few, perhaps, of the sturdy forces that make England potently great, centre there. 并且牛津大学是英国的中心;虽然它可能不是智慧力量、伟大自由、宏伟目标、政治理想的中心,但是它却可能汇集了让英国变强的坚实力量。 This essay is definitely categorized as a piece of literature in the full and deep sense, for with its unique beauty and charm it succeeds in cultivating and fostering special feelings and attitudes towards Oxford among the readers. It is believed that the author dotes on Oxford. The intense pleasure he felt in the super beauty and immense charm of Oxford was too nice and too luxurious to keep just to himself. It was his wish that the readers might share what he felt and would be moved to exclaim, "Oh, what a wonderful place! How I wish I could visit it and see it with my own eyes in no time!" 不论从广义上还是从狭义上来说,本文明显是一篇好文章,其中文采飞扬地向读者表达了牛津大学培育莘莘学子的魅力。人们认为作者对牛津大学过于宠爱了。作者描述的的牛精大学的美丽风光和无限魅力实在是过于浓厚,无法独享。作者希望读者可以感同身受地感受牛精大学的美。“啊,多么美的地方啊!我已经迫不及待去亲眼看看了!” There are several elements that make it highly literary. The first is the author's effort to create a general impression of Oxford upon the readers, rather than present accurate detailed facts, a device most favored by impressionistic artists. Paragraph 2 serves as a good example, and such a metaphor as "feeling as a poor man might who has pinched all life, and made the . most of single coins, and who is brought into the presence of a heap of piled-up gold, and told that it is all his own" enchants the readers with a sense of the blurring impression of "the obscure lighting an obscure world" (a phrase taken from The Motive for Metaphor by Wallace Stevens), too wonderful for any pen to describe in an exact manner. The second element is the romantic atmosphere the author creates. The typical example is what the author terms "a more poetical kind of association," which is displayed to a certain extent with such phrases as "noble dignity," "the spirit of the Renaissance," "sober ecclesiastical influence," "serious grace," and "the expansive power of God." We would label the third element, despite its somewhat roman- tic flavor, as uplifting inspiration as advocated by neo-classicists. The metaphor "as the fire on the altar, throwing up its sharp darting tongues of flame, its clouds of fragrant smoke, giving warmth and significance and a fiery heart to a somber shrine" in Paragraph 6 and the mention of the divine company of Homer and Sophocles, Plato and Virgil, Dante and Goethe in Para- graph 7 could be regarded as two instances. Would you locate another three examples in the text that illustrate the three elements mentioned above? 有以下几个因素让这篇文章如此成功。 首先是作者花费了诸多笔墨向读者描绘了牛精大学的概况,而不是采用印象派的手法描绘些许景色。第二段就是一个很好的例子,如“就像一贫如洗的人,好不容易用硬币凑成一堆金钱,然后独自欣赏。”这比喻让读者着迷于“昏暗的灯光照着朦胧的世界”的感觉 (摘自华莱士・史蒂芬的《比喻的动机》),这是任何文字都无法描述的感觉。 其次是作者创造的浪漫气氛。最好的例子作者写的“更有诗意的意象”,这个词组从某种程度上表明了“高贵的尊严”、“文艺复兴的精神”、“明显的宗教影响”、“严肃的优雅”和“上帝的强大力量”。 第三点是,尽管它具有新古典主义者所推崇的浪漫气息。如第六段的这个比喻“犹如圣坛上的火,高高扬起它的火舌,弥漫火的气息,带来温暖、力量和燃烧殆尽的心”以及第七段提到了荷马、索福克勒斯、柏拉图、维吉尔、但丁和歌德优秀人物。你能在文中找出其他三个例子说明上述三点的吗?

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