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1.How does the woman respond to the man's requirements?
A. She refuses to drive the man.
B. She is glad to drive him.
C. She agrees to think it over.
2.Why is the boy late for school every day?
A. He gets up late.      
B. His home is far from school.
C. He thinks the sign means going slowly.
3. What does the man mean?
A. He knows nothing about oriental art.
B. He is very familiar with oriental art.
C. He can tell the woman something about oriental art.
4. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Teacher and student.    
B. Doctor and patient.      
C. Father and daughter.
5. What can we learn from the conversation?
A. The woman is reading Harry Potter books.
B. Young readers like Harry Potter books best.
C. The man isn't interested in the books.
1-5: BCAAB
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