早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1 what`s your name?
2 what`s the time,now?
3 keep quiet,plese.
4 can you give me a hand,please?
5 i`d like a skateboard as my birthday present.
1 what`s your name?
2 what`s the time,now?
3 keep quiet,plese.
4 can you give me a hand,please?
5 i`d like a skateboard as my birthday present.
1 what`s your name?
=Can you tell me your name?
=Could I know your name?
2 what`s the time,now?
=What time is it now?
3 keep quiet,plese.
=Please be quiet.
4 can you give me a hand,please?
=Can you help me, please?
5 i`d like a skateboard as my birthday present.
=I want a skateboard for my birthday.
=Can you tell me your name?
=Could I know your name?
2 what`s the time,now?
=What time is it now?
3 keep quiet,plese.
=Please be quiet.
4 can you give me a hand,please?
=Can you help me, please?
5 i`d like a skateboard as my birthday present.
=I want a skateboard for my birthday.
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