早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1,Describe the tasks that you had to do as part of your work placement
2,Before your placement you would have had expectations about "working practice" (how work gets done) .For may have seen people working in another country or you may worked in another place or have talked about work with other people or seen "work"on TV programmes,Describle how the working practice you have seen in your placement is different to what you had expected.
3,Give an example of a work -related activityor procedure in your placement that you would describe as good working practice.
4,what do you think are the qualities of a good employee?
5,what did you learn about health and safety in the workplace?
6,what did you learn about the company you worked for?
7,what knowledge did you require to do your work placement tasks?
8,what were your goals before you started your work placement?
9,Describle how you have (or have not ) achieved your goals
10 ,Place use the space below to continue an answer if you did not have enough space previously ,you should clearly indicate what question you are answering
你可以这么理1,描述你的任务是必须做你的工作安排的一部分 2,在你的位置你将不得不对“工作实践的期望”(如何完成工作的).对于可能出现的人在另一个国家的工作,或者您可能在另一个地方工作,或有机会与其他人交谈或...