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摘 要
测定玻璃的折射率有几种不同的方法,例如:最小偏向角法测定玻璃的折射率,读数显微镜法测定玻璃的折射率,插针法测定玻璃的折射率,掠入射法测定玻璃的折射率等.本文通过最小偏向角法对玻璃折射率的测定,测出单色平行光经三棱镜折射后光线的最小偏向角来求出棱镜材料的折射率,如果对偏向角的测量可以达到较高的精度.例如一秒,此种方法的测量精度可达十的负六次方数量级,经过此种方法的测定让我们知道测量更加精确,误差更小.以及相应的误差的来源等等.关键词:玻璃 折射率 分光计 读数显微镜 三棱镜
The refractive index of the glass was measured, there are several different ways, for example: the minimum deflection angle method for the determination of the refractive index of the glass, the readings microscopy method for the determination of the refractive index of the glass, the pin method for the determination of the refractive index of the glass, the grazing incidence method to the refractive index of the glass was measured.paper by the minimum deviation method of determination of the refractive index of glass, measured monochromatic parallel light refracted by the prism minimum deviation angle of the light to the refractive index of the prism material is obtained, if the measurement of the angle of deviation can reach higheraccuracy. For example, one second, this method of measurement accuracy of up to ten negative magnitude of the sixth, after the determination of such methods to let us know more accurate measurement, the error is smaller and the corresponding sources of error. Keywords: glass refractive index of the prism spectrometer readings microscope

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