早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



Listen and choose the correct answer

(1)What's Peter doing?

A.  B.  C.

(2)What is Jane's father like?

A.  B.  C.

(3)What's Lily going to do next week?

A.  B.  C.



  (1)What's Peter doing?

  G:Who's that boy over there?

  B:Which one do you mean?

  G:I mean the boy who is getting on the school bus.

  B:Sorry? Getting on or getting off?

  G:The boy getting on the bus.

  B:Oh, that's Peter. Peter's getting on the school bus, and he's going to school now.

  (2)What is Jane's father like?

  B:Jane, who are these men in the photo?

  G:They are my father and his friends.

  B:But which is your father?


  B:Is he the man with a pair of glasses?

  G:No, he isn't wearing glasses.

  B:Is he the man with a beard?

  G:That's right. And look at his curly hair. My hair is the same as his.

  B:That's right. You both have curly hair.

  (3)What's Lily going to do next week?

  B:Lily, are you going anywhere next week?

  G:Yes. I'm going camping in the mountain with my classmates.

  B:Sorry? Camping or swimming?

  G:Camping. My sister and her friends are going swimming and fishing.

  B:Wow, I like going camping, too.


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