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英语作文 一封参观有机农场邮件
refer to the below invitation that our calss is organizing an activity to organic
farm and we'd like to invite you to participate
this activity with following purpose on this Saturday.
Date:24 May,2014
Venue:Suburbs Organic Farm
Goal:1.Experice the spercial method in organic farm.
2.Get some knowledge of benefit about organic food.
Schedule:1.Expore the importance of soil conservation from crop-rotation.
2.There will be an area reserved by the Farm for students to practice agricultural work.
It will be highly expectant that you can join us,so please
confirm your availablity to us on or before 22 May,2014.
you for your participation in advance.
Yours sincerely
refer to the below invitation that our calss is organizing an activity to organic
farm and we'd like to invite you to participate
this activity with following purpose on this Saturday.
Date:24 May,2014
Venue:Suburbs Organic Farm
Goal:1.Experice the spercial method in organic farm.
2.Get some knowledge of benefit about organic food.
Schedule:1.Expore the importance of soil conservation from crop-rotation.
2.There will be an area reserved by the Farm for students to practice agricultural work.
It will be highly expectant that you can join us,so please
confirm your availablity to us on or before 22 May,2014.
you for your participation in advance.
Yours sincerely
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