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During the summer vacation,I visited Suzhou gardens.I had a really good time there.
On July26th,my parents and I came to Suzhou by the high-speed rail.It took us only an hour from Shanghai to Suzhou.I was really excited,cause this was the first time I came to Suzhou.Once we get off the train,we called a taxi and we came directly to the SuzhouTiger hill(虎丘) .
The scenery of Tiger hill is really amazing.I saw the marvellous stones,pavilions,terraces and open halls.With a history of more than 2,500 years,the Huqiu has been known as No.1 Sight of Suzhou.It is a must for tourists.The great Song literary man Su Dongpo said,"It would be a pity if you had been to Suzhou but didn't get to visit the Huqiu." That was the reason we came to Huqiu first.I said to myself this visit is unforgetable.(注:如果嫌字数多可以在这一段删掉部分)

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