早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
求一篇以第一人称写的《How to improve your English》的一百字初三水平英语作文
How to improve your English
As we all know ,English is a very useful language,it has becoming a international conmunicate way,almost every countries all use it as the monther language ot second language ,many people all want to learn it very well ,then how to improve your English pls find below ways;
First ,we need to learn to like or love English ,habit is the best teacher,if u want to learn ,u will have the emotion to learn it,so u can learn it very well.
Second ,we need to have a good English-learnning habit,u need to remember words and never feel fed up with them ,need to regards to some easy problem to solve them .and need to read texts,sentences,the more the better .
Third,we need to be brave to speak out what u want to say in English ,and to talk with ur frends or teacher,never afraid u will say some wrong words,if you find more wrong words you have said ,u will improve more from them .
Come on ,believe us ,we can learn it very will in the future.!
As we all know ,English is a very useful language,it has becoming a international conmunicate way,almost every countries all use it as the monther language ot second language ,many people all want to learn it very well ,then how to improve your English pls find below ways;
First ,we need to learn to like or love English ,habit is the best teacher,if u want to learn ,u will have the emotion to learn it,so u can learn it very well.
Second ,we need to have a good English-learnning habit,u need to remember words and never feel fed up with them ,need to regards to some easy problem to solve them .and need to read texts,sentences,the more the better .
Third,we need to be brave to speak out what u want to say in English ,and to talk with ur frends or teacher,never afraid u will say some wrong words,if you find more wrong words you have said ,u will improve more from them .
Come on ,believe us ,we can learn it very will in the future.!
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