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One day,all feelings were on vacation on an island,and each was having   1___  good time.Suddenly,there's a warning of a strong storm,so all rushed to their boats.Yet,Love didn't wish to run away quickly.But as the clouds darkened,Love realized it was time   2___  But there were no boats to use.Love looked around with hope.
  Just then Richness was passing by.Love asked,“Richness,can you take me with you?“Richness answered,“No,I can't.There's a lot of gold in my boat.There's no place here  3___  you.
   Sorrow passed by after a while.Again,Love asked for help.But it was   4___.“No,I can't take you with me.I am so sad.I want to be by   5___.“
  When Happiness passed by a few   6___   later,Love again asked for help.But Happiness was so happy that it couldn't care about anyone else.
  Love was growing hopeless.Just then somebody   7___,“Come,Love,I will take you with me.“Love didn't know who was so kind,but jumped onto the boat   8___.
  After getting off the boat,Love met Knowledge.Love asked,“Knowledge,do you know who was so kind to give me a lift   9___   no one else wished to help?“
  Knowledge smiled,“That was Time.“
“Time?“asked Love.“But why did Time help me?“Knowledge smiled and answered,“Because only Time is able to understand   10___   valuable Love is.“
1.a.考查固定短语及语境理解题.句意:一天所有情感都在一座岛上度假,都玩得很开心.短语“得很开心”have a good time,故选a.故答案为:a
2.to leave.考查固定句型及语境理解.句意:Love意识到该离开的时候了.故选leave,固定句型:It’s time to do sth.该做某事的时候了,故填to leave.故答案为:to leave
5.myself.考查固定短语及语境理解.句意:我不想带着你,我是如此的悲伤,我想做我自己.根据语境I want to be by,选I,又因靠某人自己by oneself,故填I的反身代词形式myself.故答案为:myself
6.minutes.考查名词及语境理解.句意:几分钟之后,Happiness路过.“几分钟之后”根据语境a few _____ later,选minute,a few后跟可数名词复数.故答案为:minutes
7.shouted.考查动词及语境理解.句意:这在那时有人喊道,Love过来,我带你走.根据语境“Come,Love,I will take you with me.可知选shout,又因语境 Love was growing hopeless.可知句子的时态是一般过去时.故答案为:shouted
8.happily.考查副词及语境理解.句意:Love不知道是谁那么善良,只是高兴地跳上了小船故.根据语境“Love didn't know who was so kind,but jumped onto the boat可知选happy,有在句中修饰动词jumped,要用其副词happily形式.故答案为:happily
9.when.考查连词及语境理解.句意:Knowledge,当没有人想帮忙的时候,你知道谁是谁让我搭的车吗?根据语境Knowledge,do you know who was so kind to give me a lift ______ no one else wished to help?可知选when,引导时间状语从句从句.故答案为:when
10.how.考查疑问词及语境理解.句意:因为只有时间才能理解Love是多么的有价值,根据语境“Because only Time is able to understand  _______valuable Love is.”可知选how,引导表语从句.故答案为:.how